Happy Birthday Dad!
This is a short but cool (in my opinion) post. Tomorrow, my Dad turns 85, but he can't celebrate his birthday with family because he lives in a retirement community. The community is on lock down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so no one gets in and they encourage residents not to go out. This protects dad and his neighbors from the virus but makes a birthday difficult.
So my Brother Greg came up with an idea to make the best of the situation. The cool thing is, we had an online birthday celebration and a family get together.
We had the children, grand children and great grand children all together to wish Happy Birthday and talk to Dad (Poppy) with a video conference.
We did a zoom birthday party were we all joined together for over an hour and shared what we had been doing and our plans. We all got to see the great grand babies, one was only 7 weeks old. One of the grand kids, Bethany, sang a beautiful Happy Birthday. We had a great time of fellowship and sharing and I know it was a real blessing for Dad. I was was also a great joy for me to see everyone!